How it works
Experimental contactless mind-reading technology
“Quite often, people think about the same things simultaneously, call each other at the same time, etc. Coincidence? I don’t think so. There should be a reason.”
Many people
At Mind Energy, we strive to detect this effect and make it measurable and actionable.
Guess the number experiment
Mind Energy's mind-reading demo aims to guess the digit (from 1 to 4) you have in mind. It's free but tips are appreciated.
The right answers are not guaranteed. In our tests, the chance of the right answer was around 50% (instead of 25% predicted by math) and dependent on many factors including your own abilities. Don't strain yourself. The technology works better if you are confident in yourself and relaxed. Sometimes it takes a few tries for the system to sync with you and start reading your thoughts correctly.
Over time, during the day, the quality of answers for a single visitor degrades. It's an expected behavior.
Don’t try to trick the system or automate access to it. In that case, it will not give you the correct answers.
Mind Energy doesn't spy on you. It doesn't use your camera, mic, doesn't track mouse movements, or read other sensitive data from your browser or device to guess the number.
To guess the number, Mind Energy relies only on server-side technologies and "sensors" to observe possible quantum effects. Mind Energy can not read your thoughts unrelated to or outside of "Guess the number" sessions.
Some theoretical ideas behind this project can be found in the "Thought-Transmission Theory: A Quantum and Electromagnetic Perspective on Cognitive Synchronization" paper.
Read more about the history of the project.
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