Project History

The power of a lifelong idea

“Quite often, people think about the same things simultaneously, call each other at the same time, etc. Coincidence? I don’t think so. There should be a reason.”

Many people

  • Like many other people, Alexander Kharitonov noticed a lot of odd coincidences in his life. Too many I would say, regularly through all life. He could not find explanations for them and believed that we don't know something important yet about the nature of life, physics, and humans.

  • Alex was always interested in science and recent theories, he always strived to know more and find answers to the effects he observed. That's why, from childhood, he started to use his software engineering skills not only to build commercial projects but also to conduct strange but interesting experiments.

  • The first successful experiments related to the theoretical base of this "impossible" project were conducted by Alex in the first half of 2003 at his 18th. He built the first hardware-software system supposed to read people's intentions, wrote analytic algorithms, conducted tests with friends by inviting them to his home and putting them in front of his PC, and collected huge statistics. However, being positive the observed effects were still too small to find practical applications. The project was put on hold.

  • During 2003-2024, Alex occasionally returned to wireless human-computer interaction research but with no material progress. He still believed in his lifelong ideas and hoped that scientists would make big progress over time.

  • In May 2024, 21 years after the first experiments, Alex came up with a fresh idea. A new approach aimed to improve the sensitivity and efficiency of that mind-reading technology. He conducted experiments confirming the new idea, and inspired by several scientists decided to start to work on the Mind Energy website as a side project during long evenings.

  • On Aug 22nd, 2024, he launched a thought-reading demo page to show the experimental technology in action. It was not perfect, did not always work, but it seems it challenges the normal distribution from probability theory.

  • On Aug 24th, 2024, the first results of the experiment were posted. Tweet 1. Tweet 2. Tweet 3.

  • There's still more to come. Subscribe to our X, Telegram, Facebook, Instagram, or Reddit to stay tuned!

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